The remit of a profession should not act as a limitation in using our personal skills


I am well aware that every job or profession comes with it’s own guidelines however is common for people to see certain guidelines as,, words written in stone’’ and a ,,well justified” reason for not using their skills.

Some of the reasons that prevent someone to use their set of skills are:

  • Never taking the time to explore and discover their skill set

  • Being aware of their skill set, but not knowing how to apply the skills in real-life situations

  • Believing that their job only goes from A-C (putting themselves in a square, lack of creativity)

  • Believing that even thou they will tap into this skill set, will not make much difference anyway to how they would be feeling

  • Believing that no one will notice or acknowledge them for going beyond their ,,remit’’

When holding these beliefs, is understandable why someone may be feeling unfulfilled and underappreciated in a profession.

Now, imagine a world where every single person does the bare minimum in their profession, not exceeding the line of a spec/duties and putting their skills to sleep.

Is pretty depressing right?

The truth is that this happens in most professions. People are not engaged, feeling apathetic daily because they are not using their set of skills. 

Somehow, are seeking permission from someone to use them or expecting that someday, someone will hand them a PERFECT JOB, tailored just for them.

In reality, the perfect job is created by molding aspects of it and adjust it until becomes suited for us and in line with our values.

Equally there will be aspects in any profession that will require us to make some adjustments in our mindset and learn to enjoy them more, although we may not love them.

On the other hand, there seems to be a trend nowadays were everyone encourage us consistently to change our jobs/career, company if we are feeling unfulfilled. Unfortunately, many people chose to see only one facet of the coin, making important decisions before checking in with themselves.

It is easy to blame the companies we work for, the job or the profession and more difficult to ask ourselves:

How am I contributing to my lack of fulfillment?

What active part I am playing in this?

What skills do I have and not use?

I am not taking away the fact that some companies undervalue any effort or human potential. These companies certainly need to actualise and shift their views. In any case, I am not encouraging anyone to remain in a place where feels undervalued despite doing their best in their profession, however, I found that more often than not, dissatisfaction is sparked from within ourselves and rarely from external sources.

You will probably be surprised to learn that is recommended to fully use our skills because it makes us better humans, more alive and fulfilled. It is always great when we receive good feedback from external sources or recognition from others, however,this should not be our main drive.

If you need help to figure out your skill set and learn how to apply them in real-life situations, feel free to reach out.

I would love to help you!


Personal Development or Self-Acceptance


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