Florentina Caras ★ Coaching for purpose driven professionals

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Productivity, a concept misunderstood

How often are you saying to yourself that you must be productive all the time, therefore always ON? How many times have you blamed yourself for not doing enough even though, you have accomplished a tone of things on that day?

If you have looked for too long around yourself it makes sense why you are thinking this way, everyone around you is ON all the time because they believe in the same concept

 ,, I must be productive all the time!’’

Now, I am sorry if you will feel disappointed after reading a different perspective here, but I have no desire to perpetuate unhealthy mindsets who does nothing but contributing to maintaining damaging behaviours . The majority of people I have worked or connected with in different environments does not even remember what balance is or how it feels.

What they are however familiar with, is feeling exhausted on most days.

How could they remember if we are all encouraged through all channels (online and offline) that we must function to our maximum capacity and be productive all the time.

Productivity is important and help us to get things done, however, this need to have a limit because productivity itself is a limited resource.

Unfortunately, is common for people to believe that their brain has the cognitive capacity to make decisions and solve problems all day long to the same intensity. In fact, this is how most of my clients achieved success in their business and career. Further along the line, their achievements strengthen their believe that this is the only way forward despite the fact that burnout became a constant in their life.

Are you familiar with the saying: ,, Something has to give in order to acquire success!’’

Unfortunately, what we often sacrifice are the important aspects of our life. The things and people that keep us in balance and fill us with joy.

I am not going to preach to you here about 5;10;15 steps of how to achieve the life you most want, are plenty of people out there who does this, however I can ensure you that there are different ways of doing things other that the one you are perhaps used too.

What you need to give away, are the things that no longer serves you therefore not important so you can create space for things and people that really matter to you!

This can be done through deep self-explorations to find out what is it that is holding you back from creating a new lifestyle. Once the limitations are removed, small actions can be created and applied

If making changes in your lifestyle is something important to you, please feel free to reach out and we will talk about this more in depth.