Life Manifesto


When we are faced with major challenges in life, we might feel that our life is small and everyone out there have it all together.
We are tempted to chunk down what we see, and our perceptions becomes distorted.

Here’s the life manifesto I use to ground myself in those moments. I hope this manifesto will bring you closer to YOURSELF.

,,My life is not small, it is just my life. I, one human can’t have in one life all the human’s lives from this planet merged in one.

Every human designs their life in their own way and there are billions of ways humans live their life. This is the beauty of it, not one human live their life like the other so then why should I expect my life to be like the others?

Every human being from this planet was faced with adversity and endless challenges so why should I expect that for me should be any different?

The fact that I am finding myself in the middle of a major challenge right now doesn’t mean that my life is small or will not be amazing in the future.

I am opened to access my internal strengths and to overcome step by step this challenge.

I recognise that this challenge gave me the opportunity to deeply get in touch with who I am at the core. I see how this is what I most needed at this moment.

I don’t require external validation in order to take the right actions who will support me in this journey.

I endeavor to do what I believe is best for me in those moments.

I have courage and faith that things will soon shift towards a better path, one that I might not yet be able to behold right now.

I am not expecting that each and every day should be glittery and amazing because I have learned that this is not the way life flows.

I know that every day has its uniqueness and that life is made of both beautiful and challenging moments.

I can see with clarity that this is how life naturally is for each human on this planet, including myself.

I wholeheartedly embrace life and I trust that life will embrace me back the same way”.


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