Florentina Caras ★ Coaching for purpose driven professionals

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2020 Living with integrity

Conscious that this year was by far one of the hardest ever for everyone, I wasn't an exception from experiencing the same. Beyond this, I've lived the most fulfilling experiences and learned so many valuable lessons on the way.

2020 was for me about living with integrity and listen to my heart. Becoming more who I am and less who I used to be, closer to what living and being authentic means to me.

I've started 2020 with big plans and the burning desire for growing my business. In March, when the world as I knew it changed, I decided that this year is not about achieving a specific big goal but rather to concentrate on what is fundamentally important to me.

Aspects who mattered to me?

My wellbeing and learning to take better care of myself. Nurture my close relationships by being there for my close friends and family members when felt was needed, equally sharing and creating beautiful experiences together that will remain in my memory forever.

One of the most tender aspects I've witnessed this year that made my heart ache; Someone dear receiving a cancer diagnosis for the second time in a row. I did my humanly best to offer sparkles of hope

In the middle of the summer other than hiking every weekend in the countryside, I was courageous enough to enroll in an incredible programme of Personal and Business Development, Fear to Freedom created by one of the most beautiful humans I've ever met, Alice Carder. During the two months of the programme, I worked deeper than ever on my emotional healing and overcoming psychological limitations. As a result, I have shifted my business working with purpose-driven people and felt incredibly joyful to support them through their journey. Their personal development and progress were beyond beautiful. I'm grateful that I was able to guide them in a higher level than ever before.

I hope I've inspired people through my social media sharing to be more who they are, and that you have taken away something useful for your own journey.

If this was a challenging year for you too, I hear you. In introspection, there is a lot of beauty to be acknowledged even in the challenging moments. This part of the year is an opportunity to take some time for reflection and extract valuable lessons.

I've created a Monthly Coaching Package, guiding you to explore and integrate what has been going on for you and regain your internal balance. Details can be found on my website and welcome you to reach out for a 30 minutes free discovery consultation.

Continue to be courageous, authentic and live with integrity!

Let’s talk!